After unveiling the tablets in the UK last week, Lenovo has launched the 8 and 10-inch versions of theYoga Tablet 2 and the 13.3-inch Yoga Tablet 2 Pro in India. Set to be available exclusively on Flipkart, the 8-inch Yoga Tablet 2 is set to go on sale starting October 17 for Rs. 20,999 ($340), followed by the launch of the 10-inch Yoga Tablet 2 mid-November for Rs. 28,990 ($470) and the Yoga Tablet 2 Pro by the end of November for Rs. 47,990 ($780).
As far as hardware specs are concerned, the 8-inch and 10-inch Yoga Tablet 2 feature displays with resolution of 1920 x 1200, quad-core Intel Atom Z3745 CPU that can be clocked up to 1.86 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB internal storage, microSD card slot, 8 MP camera at the back, 1.6 MP shooter at the front along with Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and 3G connectivity. On the software side of things, the tablets feature Android 4.4 KitKat.
The Yoga Tablet 2 Pro shares most of the specs of the Yoga Tablet 2, but comes with a higher resolution 2560 x 1440 display as well as 32 GB internal memory. The tablet also comes with an integrated projector which Lenovo says will create a 50-inch "home theater experience" on any flat surface.
All three models are geared toward media consumption, and as such feature front stereo speaks and a hinge that allows you to hold either tablet in various configurations thanks to a fold out kickstand.
What do you guys think of the new offerings by Lenovo?
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